Writing your paper / composing your poster

Q - What are the author's guidelines for the paper?
A - The author's guidelines can be found at https://2019.iasc-commons.org/paper-guidelines/

Q - What are the guidelines for composing a poster?
A - You can find the guidelines for your poster via https://2019.iasc-commons.org/poster-guidelines

Submitting your paper

Q - Is it necessary to submit a final paper?
A - To optimize the exchange of comments, knowledge, and experience, we strongly recommend and expect participants to submit a full paper before June 10, 2019. In this way, you will enable the attendants of your presentation to read your paper in advance.

Q - How do I submit my final paper?
A - Instructions how to submit my your final paper can be found at https://2019.iasc-commons.org/paper-guidelines/

Q - I want to submit my paper, but legal obligations towards e.g., my publisher will not allow me. What to do?
A - We fully understand this situation. In that case, please inform us via conference@iasc2019.org. We will then add your e-mail address in our online schedule, so participants can obtain the paper from you by sending you an e-mail.

Presenting your paper

Q - On what day and time will my presentation be?
A - As we need to know who will actually be attending the conference, the final schedule will be composed immediately after the deadline for registered authors has closed on May 10, 2019. We aim to have the final schedule available online on the website at https://2019.iasc-commons.org/sessions-overview as soon as possible after May 10, 2019.

Q - How long should my presentation be?
A - For paper presentations: as each full session will last 90 minutes and will normally include 4 presentations, you will have about 20 minutes for your presentation. Please take into account some time for Q&A. Time will be strictly managed by the panel directors, to make sure every presentation will have sufficient time.
A - For poster presentations: posters will displayed at a central location at the conference venue. Poster pitches will be organized. These will be relative short pitches (5-10 minutes max). Please note that at the poster pitches you will have no additional equipment for e.g. Powerpoint-presentations; your poster should be sufficient to support the pitch.

Q - Will there be Q&A after each presentation or at the end of the session?
A - This may vary per panel session and can be discussed by the presenters with the panel director (who has the decisive vote on this). From experience, we recommend to do a plenary Q&A at the end of the session, as this often has shown to be more time-efficient.

Publication issues

Q - What happens with papers after the conference?
A - All papers will be stored in the Digital Library of the Commons, a repository managed by the University Library of Indiana University on behalf of the IASC.

Q - What if legal obligations do not allow my paper to be stored in a repository?
A - We fully understand this situation. In that case, please inform us via conference@iasc2019.org. We will then remove your paper fro the collection we will store n the Digital Library of the Commons, a repository managed by the University Libray of Indiana University on behalf of the IASC.

Q - Will my paper be published via the Conference?
A - At this moment, there are no specific publication plans. If publishers are interested in publishing your paper, you will be contacted via the IASC or the local organizers.

Registration fees, grants, and waivers

Q - Is there a discount fee?
A - We have tried to keep the participation fee as low as possible. Also, the IASC and the local organizers aim to keep the conference as acccessible as possible to all by using a wage-dependent participation fee. The fees we will receive will only be cost-covering. Therefore, our options for discount fees are very limited, we hope you understand. Reduced fees apply for IASC-members, you can also save money by making sure to register before April 1, 2019. Until that date, Early Bird rates apply; from April 1 onward, regular fees will apply, which will be USD 50 higher than the Early Bird rates.
Q - Is there a possibility to obtain a waiver or a grant?
A - The current participation fees are just cost-covering. The possibility of grants or waivers will depend on additional funding from sponsors. At this moment, there are no specific grants or waivers available yet. As soon as additional grant opportunities will become available, these will be announced and published on the website.
Q - I want to pay for a participant, but I will not be participating myself. What to do?
A - When you pay by credit card, payment platform providers like PayPal or Stripe will need to have a name that matches with the credit card number. However, on the order form at checkout, you can use the additional remarks field to indicate the details of the person actually attending. We will then make sure to administer this correctly in our system.
Q - How can I get an invoice or receipt with the details of my institution on the invoice or receipt?
A - Contact us via conference@iasc2019.org and inform us about the details that should be on the receipt / invoice. Please only request this when this is absolutely necessary!

Other questions

Q - My presentation has been accepted as poster. I do want to change however to a paper presentation, is that possible?
A - Unfortunately, we cannot accept format changes now the reviewing of over 850 abstracts has been completed. As you can imagine, academic standards for paper presentations are different from those for poster presentations. Changing the format would imply need for a new review and entail numerous logistic effects for the organizers. We do hope you understand that format changes therefore cannot be accepted at this stage anymore.

Do you have another question? Please contact us via conference@iasc2019.org