Our Sponsors

Freedom, justice, and solidarity are the principles to which the work of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) is oriented. The KAS is a political foundation close to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). European and international work seeks to contribute to people living in freedom and with dignity. Their aim is to motivate people to participate actively in the construction of the future. It seeks to consolidate peace and freedom through continuous dialogue regarding foreign policy and security, as well as the exchange between different cultures and religions. The KAS has been working in Peru for more than 50 years.


The Contribution to the Environmental Goals of Peru (ProAmbiente II) program is a joint initiative between entities of the Peruvian Government and German development cooperation, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Its objective is to improve the implementation of policies in the areas of governance and environmental management, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and sustainable forest management. The counterpart institutions with which the program is executed are the Ministry of the Environment (Minam) and its attached entities OEFA, Senace and Sernanp, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri) and its affiliate Serfor, the Ministry of Economy and Finance ( MEF), the Ministry of Production (Produce) and the Forest Resources Oversight Agency (Osinfor).

Website (in Spanish)

The Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung is a German political foundation that has been working in Peru since 1995, with the commitment to foster a democratic and plural culture, based on the principles of freedom and tolerance. In almost 25 years of cooperation and support for the requirements of Peruvian society, three lines of work have been identified: youth political education, promotion of democracy and institutional strengthening, and promotion of civil society participation. Together with our partners, we are committed to the consolidation of democracy, good governance policies and ongoing development projects in different regions of Peru.


Website (in Spanish)


Our Partners

The Bicentenario Perú 2021 is an initiative to organize, align and disseminate all the activities carried out with reason of the 200 years of Independence of Peru. The commemoration of the Bicentennial of Independence of Peru is a unique opportunity to imagine, make and celebrate the country we want to be. The horizon of such a significant commemoration is an ideal space to generate opportunities and favorable conditions for the strengthening of national identity and the construction of the civic values that allow us to face as individuals, nation and State the national and global challenges from the third decade of the 21st century. Facing the Bicentennial, Peru recognizes its mega-diversity as a central value of our identity. The conservation of the environment is a cross citizen value, instilled from childhood and approached in an intersectoral manner from the government.

Website (in Spanish)

The LUM is a space created by the Ministry of Culture of Peru that offers cultural, learning, research and commemoration activities in order to talk about human rights issues, focusing on the period of violence in Peru, initiated by terrorist groups (1980-2000). The LUM promotes a critical and objective judgment towards violent discourses that violate the integrity of the human being. In that way, it welcomes the diversity of voices and faces that experienced violence during the period 1980-2000, and seeks coexistence between the various memories, for mutual learning. It assumes the challenge of establishing dialogue as a starting point to reflect on our differences and live with them.

Website (in Spanish)

CIFOR advances human well-being, equity and environmental integrity by conducting innovative research, developing partners’ capacity, and actively engaging in dialogue with all stakeholders to inform policies and practices that respect forests and people. CIFOR is a CGIAR Research Center, and leads the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). Our headquarters are in Bogor, Indonesia, with ofices in Nairobi, Kenya, Yaounde, Cameroon, and Lima, Peru.



The School of Government and Public Policies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) is an academic unit dedicated to applied research and specialized postgraduate training and continuing education of public managers, state executives and public servants of the three levels of the State; researchers and political analysts; as well as professionals from civil society and the private sector linked to government affairs. It emphasizes the study of public policies and public management, of comparative political institutions and processes, and of international relations. Its postgraduate and continuing education programs provide theoretical knowledge, tools, and methodologies that contribute to the strengthening of governability, democracy and the development of the country.

Website (in Spanish)

The professionals in Library and Information Science use their judgment and apply techniques to locate, evaluate, select, organize and preserve information and make it available to individuals, collectives, and institutions. An interdisciplinary study plan trains them in the systematic treatment of information in different formats (texts, images, audio, video), whether in cultural, scientific or corporate spheres.



Website (in Spanish)

Conservación Amazónica – ACCA is a Peruvian nonprofit organization that has protected the western Amazon for almost 20 years now. ACCA’s unique approach focuses on three strategies: protecting wild places that are home to hundreds of thousands of wildlife species; employing the latest discoveries in science and technology into the field of conservation, and empowering people to become champions for conservation while improving their quality of life. ACCA’s mission is to unite science, innovation, and community to protect the western Amazon—the greatest wild area on earth.


Website (in Spanish)

The Academic Department of Social Responsibility is the unit of the PUCP responsible for designing, promoting and fulfill initiatives of University Social Responsibility (RSU). Its main objective is to identify and generate the conditions so that students, teachers and administrative staff have the necessary support to integrate training, research and action in the design and execution of initiatives and socially relevant projects.

Website (in Spanish)

The Center for Sociological, Economic, Political and Anthropological Research (CISEPA) is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Departments of Social Sciences and Economics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Since our foundation, in 1966, we have combined the academic and interdisciplinary approach to contribute to the knowledge of the national reality and to the design and evaluation of social policies. We continue to build capacities through our School of Researchers and share research results to influence public opinion and contribute to the debate.

Website (in Spanish)